What is GATE CSE Syllabus 2023? Are you looking forward to the GATE CSE syllabus 2023? Well, you are at the accurate place where you will fetch all the relevant information regarding the syllabus and the books to follow for the paper.

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GATE CSE Syllabus 2023

Well, you can examine and acknowledge the section-wise GATE CSE Syllabus by scrolling your screen a bit. After going through the topics, you should make a study plan to prepare for these incredibly important topics.

Section 1: Engineering Mathematics Discrete Mathematics: Propositional and first order logic. Sets, relations, functions, partial orders and lattices. Monoids, Groups. Graphs: connectivity, matching, coloring. Combinatorics: counting, recurrence relations, generating functions.

Linear Algebra: Matrices, determinants, system of linear equations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, LU decomposition

Calculus:  Limits, continuity and differentiability. Maxima and minima. Mean value theorem. Integration.

Probability: Random variables. Uniform, normal, exponential, poisson and binomial

distributions. Mean, median, mode and standard deviation. Conditional probability and Bayes theorem.

Section 2: Digital Logic Boolean algebra. Combinational and sequential circuits. Minimization. Number representations and computer arithmetic (fixed and floating point).
Section 3: Computer Organization and Architecture Machine instructions and addressing modes. ALU, data-path and control unit. Instruction pipelining,pipeline hazards. Memory hierarchy: cache, main memory and secondary storage; I/O interface (interrupt and DMA mode).
Section 4: Programming and Data Structures Programming in C. Recursion. Arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists, trees, binary search trees, binary heaps, graphs.
Section 5: Algorithms Searching, sorting, hashing. Asymptotic worst case time and space complexity. Algorithm design techniques: greedy, dynamic programming and divide-and-conquer. Graph  traversals, minimum spanning trees, shortest paths.
Section 6: Theory of Computation Regular expressions and finite automata. Context-free grammars and push-down automata. Regular and context-free languages, pumping lemma. Turing machines and undecidability
Section 7: Compiler Design Lexical analysis, parsing, syntax-directed translation. Runtime environments. Intermediate code generation. Local optimisation, Data flow analyses: constant propagation, liveness analysis, common subexpression elimination.
Section 8: Operating System System calls, processes, threads, inter-process communication, concurrency and synchronization. Deadlock. CPU and I/O scheduling. Memory management and virtual memory. File systems.
Section 9: Databases ER-model. Relational model: relational algebra, tuple calculus, SQL. Integrity constraints, normal forms. File organization, indexing (e.g., B and B+ trees). Transactions and concurrency control.
Section 10: Computer Networks Concept of layering: OSI and TCP/IP Protocol Stacks; Basics of packet, circuit and virtual circuit switching; Data link layer: framing, error detection, Medium Access Control, Ethernet bridging; Routing protocols: shortest path, flooding, distance vector and link state routing; Fragmentation and IP addressing, IPv4, CIDR notation, Basics of IP support protocols (ARP, DHCP, ICMP), Network Address Translation (NAT); Transport layer: flow control and congestion control, UDP, TCP, sockets; Application layer protocols: DNS, SMTP, HTTP, FTP, Email.

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Important Books for GATE CSE Syllabus 2023

Now, if you have gone through the syllabus of the GATE exam, you should have a look at the important books to follow for the paper. Have a look at the table:

Names of the Books Author
Digital Logic and Number representation Morris Mano
Theory of Computer Science: Automata, Languages and Computation Mishra K.L.P
GATE Practice Sets Pearson
Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach Pressman

Important Topics of GATE CSE Syllabus

The most important topics from each section of the test are given below so that you can acknowledge these topics and prepare them diligently for your examination.

# 1. Mathematics

Matrix Determinant.


Propositional Logic and Predicate Logic.

Conditional Probability.


#2. Digital Logic

Combinational Circuits: Multiplexers, De-multiplexers and Decoders.

Sequential Circuits: Counters

Logic Gates.

Number System.

Minimization of Boolean Expressions.

#3. Computer Organization and Architecture

Cache Organization


I/O Data Transfer

Addressing Modes.

Number Representation.

#4. Programming and Data Structures

Recursive Programs





#5. Algorithms

Algorithm Analysis.

Sorting Algorithms


Graph Algorithms.

Divide and Conquer & Greedy Algorithms.

#6. Theory of Computation


Regular Expressions

Regular Languages.

Closure Properties.


#7. Compiler Design

LR Parsers

LL(1) Parser.

Predictive Parser.

Minimum no of nodes and edges in DAG.

Intermediate code Generation & its purpose.

#8. Operating Systems

Synchronization Mechanisms, Concurrency in IPC environment.

Virtual Memory

CPU Scheduling Algorithms.

Techniques of Memory Management.

Implementation issues of File system design.

#9. DBMS (Database Management Systems)

Relational Algebra

SQL Queries




#10. Computer Networks

Sliding Window Protocol.




Encryption and Decryption Algorithms.

Also Read: What is the GATE Exam? What is the Exam Duration? A Complete Introduction to GATE


Therefore, if you have got valuable content for your GATE exam, you need to visit the GATE School website to fetch more information.